200 DKK each unit per night
IN GJÓGV YOU PRETTY MUCH HAVE THE ESSENCE OF THE FAROE ISLANDSThe village is named after the dramatic sea-filled gorge north of the village. Gazing down it's hard to grasp how this natural phenomena came to be. Listening to the waves lapping to the side of the gorge, you get a good sense of faroese time.
East of the village the tallest mountains of the Faroes are casting their shadows - waiting to be climbed. Ask the information office for directions. North of the village lies the valley of Ambadalur - home to a rich bird colony. The grass really is greener there. And the birds happier. Which might explain their sometimes hostile behavior when confronting an intruder. Don't forget to look up. Oh, and one more thing: When southerly wind is covering the isles with thick fog, Gjógv usually bathes in sunshine. |